Tank agitator design
Tank agitator design

tank agitator design

We also provide technical information as well as support with regards to installation, maintenance, quick repair and assisting with minimising downtime.Īt the heart of every AFX peristaltic pump lies a heavy-duty peristaltic hose specially developed to work hand in hand with the pump roller technology installed in the AFX PUMP SERIES. AFX strive to obtain all the facts and data required to correctly size the agitator for the blending application.

tank agitator design

Some pulp and paper plants may experience issues where their agitators are tripping or drawing large amounts of power this may be due to the agitator having been undersized for the duty it was to perform. Pulp & paper agitator designs call for a more specific approach, requiring specific facts and data surrounding the pulp, the blend times, as well as the viscosity and density. These applications require very low power levels in comparison to those which have specific batch blending times which need to be achieved. In very large storage tanks and vats, the agitator’s main duty is to create a flow pattern ensuring that the liquids within the tanks keep moving, often very light solids or sediment needs to be suspended off the bottom to ensure there is no build-up. Side entry agitators are mainly used in the following applications however, are not limited to these applications: petrochemical & petroleum, animal & plant oils, food & beverage and pulp & paper industries. This is taken into account when compiling the design for the side entry agitator, resulting in most of the larger side entering mixers being belt driven. The impeller power number will therefore not be the same for the top entry impeller, resulting in larger power draws with the side entry unit. Although the design of the side entry agitator may sometimes call for larger power installations, the impeller to tank ratio to achieve the desired mixing/blending or suspension pattern is substantially smaller. This may be due to tank construction and load limitations, or even area limitations overhead. Having specific applications and duties throughout various industries, side entry mixers are often used where the installation of top entry mixers may not be possible or feasible. A decrease in percentage solids can increase your solids’ settling rate and result in settlement problems. Changes in percentage solids: If your percentage solids increase, this will increase your density and lead to the same problem as explained in bullet 1.The solid build up will either cause the agitator to trip on high power or can result in a mechanical failure due to the increased load being put on the mixer. If the solids are left to settle, they will build up and eventually overload your agitator. An increase in particle size: This will increase the settling rate of the solids.It will also increase the fluid forces of the agitator, possibly leading to a mechanical failure.

tank agitator design

An increase in slurry density: This will increase your agitator’s power draw which will cause your agitator to overload.If these circumstances were to change, it is possible that your mixer performance will be affected.

tank agitator design

An agitator is a purpose-built piece of machinery designed specifically for the in-tank conditions.

Tank agitator design